Tractor Gray Paint Formula
Now Available - Free Download
Well, many of you fine folks have been waiting for this for quite some time.
We have recovered our initial costs in acquiring the original IHC Tractor Gray Paint Stock # 1063 and now we wish to make the formula available at no cost to the restoration community.
We would like to thank all of you who have purchased the formula over the past several years. Your project investment - $25 per formula - benefits the entire restoration community because now we are offering the IHC Tractor Gray Paint Stock # 1063 formula free of charge.
The formula is offered in gratitude to all of you who keep these machines alive. The story of our original paint find, stories of farming, engines, restorations and more are ready for you to enjoy.

These are Dupont® Centari® acrylic base
( Note: Centari base paint is reported to be obsolete by friends of McCormick-Deering.Com - please verify with your local jobber)
and DuPont® Imron® polyurethane enamel.
Our claims regarding of authenticity of the paint and color match are stated in the related story (see adjacent column). Because the formula is derived via spectrum analysis done by our local DuPont® Paint Jobber, we recommend you also take this formula to your local DuPont® Paint Jobber for mixing with the specified base paint for the most accurate reproduction.
This formula is offered "as-is" and you are solely responsible for having it mixed properly, for surface preparation, application and finish. And because you've taken the time to restore an historic IHC farm machine, we know that you won't cut any corners and the results will be nothing less than spectacular.
Have a wonderful restoration experience. Share your stories and pictures with us and let us know how you make out.
And by the way, pass the formula and a link to the website along to your friends of similar interest.
Well, you've read all this way. Download the formula for DuPont® Imron® and for DuPont® Centari®.
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Video is viewable on McCormick-Deering.Com in Quick Time format.
Viewing of video requires high bandwidth internet connections. Viewing over a modem connection can be done only by exercising great patience while these large files download.

Original Tractor Gray:
Formula Now Available

Thank you all for your patience and interest in our certified formula McCormick-Deering Original Tractor Gray Paint. (click here to see related story)
After months of reviewing our options, we have arrived at a decision to make available the DuPont® certified formula for IHC stock #1063 Tractor Gray Paint.
This formula is offered exclusively by McCormick-Deering.Com now available as a free download.
After you download this formula (links in the left hand column), you may take the formula to a local DuPont® paint jobber and have it mixed as often as you wish for your own use.
The formula will be provided in your choice of either Dupont® Centari® or Imron®base mix options to choose from.
The formula was obtained by opening one of the original gallons acquired and applying the paint to a sandblasted and primed upper radiator tank from a 1927 McCormick-Deering Model 15-30 tractor. This tank was taken to a local Dupont® jobber and spectrum analysis performed. What we are offering are the results of this spectrum analysis detailing the mix specifications to achieve an accurate color match.
We are pleased to offer the most accurate color match available for IHC stock #1063 Tractor Gray Paint free to the restoration community.
Welcome To
McCormick-Deering.Com is a place for the antique tractoring community to
find (and contribute) information, locate parts - both NOS and quality reproductions,
discover the history of International Harvester, and to preserve the knowledge of
the machines that revolutionized farming around the world.
Please Send Us Your Stories
We still need you! Your personal farm stories - new and old alike - are part of an historical farm heritage that needs to be preserved. We would like to feature your stories here.
They don't have to be stories featuring IHC or McCormick-Deering machinery. We only hope for stories of generations of farmers carrying on family
traditions and values that make the farming a valued tradition around the world, but especially here in America.
We've shared some of our family farming history with you in these pages. Please honor us with your own farming history.
To view other stories from previous publishings of this site, select "History" from the the menu and choose a story from the dropdown menu.
Please consider contributing your stories by contacting:
Mark Stephenson - Editor-In-Chief mstephenson@mccormick-deering.com
We will respond quickly and work with you to tell your personal farm history here at McCormick-Deering.Com