Other Sites of Interest

This list of links will grow over time. This is only a start to provide to you links to informational sites which will give you a greater opportunity to find what you are looking for.

McCormick-Deering.Com desires to be a comprehensive resource for your information needs when it comes to the McCormick-Deering and IHC line of product. However, this line of products is vast and we cannot possibly address all of the IHC community needs.

The purpose of this page is to provide alternative sites to assist with you restoration and informational needs.

IHC and McD Sales Brochures Triple Power Brochure Pages 16, 17

IHC Wheat Shocks Logo - 1913 Almanac

A Few Online Friends

Here are only a few of the many links to online antique tractor resources.
We would like to thank Tractor Links for making their fine resource list available to us all.

We at McCormick-Deering.Com thank you!